25th January, 2024 (FULL MOON) – BOHEME CANGGU

Once, there were two brothers named Sunda and Upasunda who were powerful and righteous demons. They performed severe austerities and pleased Lord Brahma, the creator, who granted them a boon. The boon they sought was that no one could kill them unless it was by each other’s hands. Pleased with their penance, Brahma granted their wish.

The two brothers then became arrogant and started causing havoc in the world. They conquered the heavens, and even the gods were unable to stop them due to the boon they had received. The gods sought the help of Shukracharya, the sage and guru of the demons, to find a solution.

Shukracharya, using his knowledge of the scriptures, discovered a way to break the brothers’ invincibility. He performed a yajna (ritual) and summoned a beautiful Apsara (celestial nymph) named Tilottama. Shukracharya instructed her to enchant Sunda and Upasunda in such a way that they would fall in love with her.

Tilottama succeeded in her task, and a fierce rivalry arose between the two brothers as they both desired her. Eventually, they turned against each other, and in the ensuing battle, they killed each other with their own hands.

The death of Sunda and Upasunda lifted the invincibility curse, and the gods were able to regain their power and defeat the remaining demons. The story serves as a cautionary tale about the consequences of arrogance and the importance of self-control.

It’s worth noting that different versions of Hindu mythology might have variations in the details of the story, but the core theme of the downfall of Sunda and Upasunda remains consistent.
